Vista Buttons.com Samples       
  • Documentation

      system Object






















        ◦registerService Method  ◦run

        ◦unregisterService Method

        ◦updateRegistry Method

        ◦updateRegistry Method


      explorer Object
















        ◦allProgramsSearch Method

        ◦allProgramsToggle Method




















































  • ______________________
  • Feedback

    ..This is the coolest thing I have ever seen
        - SSR_Stylish

    ..this looks like a proper product you should pay for. I am amazed by the first 5 minutes I spend on it. now I will abandone my laptop for another two weeks
        - Hans_Wurst02

    ..with this i get a full windows like desktop on my xbox, it made it much more productive outside of games.
        - rmellis.




  • Screenshots:


Welcome Screen

The "Start Menu"



Shared File Manager


Discord and eMail apps


Multiple apps side by side


FloydCraft Live Map App

Block Browser - bing.com


Quake 3 game in WebGL

FloydCraft WebOS Wiki - Documentation

🢩   system.service() Class


This class allows a service to be generated and managed with its underlying methods.

A service in Webdows is a program or JS file that is run on an interval. When the JS file is ran, the service object generated from creating this class will be injected into the code that is ran.

For example, this file "test.js" will increment the "service.count" property every time the service runs on its interval.


if(typeof service.count !== 'number') {
        service.count = 0;  

The code will output as shown:

Services are also useful since they are registered in the registry.
So next time FCWebOS starts, the service will be created under 
the same ID, interval, and path.