..This is the coolest thing I have ever seen
- SSR_Stylish
..this looks like a proper product you should pay for. I am amazed by the first 5 minutes I spend on it. now I will abandone my laptop for another two weeks
- Hans_Wurst02
..with this i get a full windows like desktop on my xbox, it made it much more productive outside of games.
- rmellis.
Welcome Screen
The "Start Menu"
Shared File Manager
Discord and eMail apps
Multiple apps side by side
FloydCraft Live Map App
Block Browser - bing.com
Quake 3 game in WebGL
FloydCraft WebOS Wiki - Documentation
🢩 system.formatAMPM() Method
Returns a string containing the time formatted to 00:00AM/PM
Example output: 2:04AM
var date = new date()
varformatedDate = system.formatAMPM(date);
formatedDate //2:04AM